Saturday 22 August 2015


This bird has got every thing, the wings of fire, tail of fire and the heart of fire. 

How to make Acrylic paint to stay wet for long-DIY SOLUTION

It's a problem that many artist face while painting with acrylic paint, that it dries up quickly, so there are the DIY way to keep your acrylic paint to keep wet for sufficient period of time.

By the way you can buy gel or paste from art stores which will delay the drying time, but they are a bit expensive, Just google acrylic paint gels and you'll get it.

So back to our topic, using GLYCERIN along with water will reduce the drying time according to my experience, and its also cheaply available.


There are two ways you can use it,


That is , you apply a coat of glycerin on the paper before you began to draw, and on that wet coat start painting. This way the acrylic paint will stay wet for some time. But I personally don't use this method because it's messy, and I like the surface to be dry before I start some to draw on it.


 Apply glycerin directly to the acrylic paint. You can experiment with the ratio of water and glycerin , and will eventually you'll find a perfect ratio that will work for you.

 I usually change the ratio according to my mood, and yes its all about the art, you can do whatever you want, so do whatever you can do ,whatever suits your taste the best.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Acrylic Potrait - Female Face

     This is a rough work that I did in my spare time.I just grabbed  some old brushes , acrylic paint and an old medical journal. When I drew this,I was in my medical school. I remember, it was a rainy day, exams was on the corner and I was bored studying.
     However those were the best day's, and I miss them. I use to lent out my frustration scribbling and drawing something on back page of my notebook. That was when I discovered my new passion for Art.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Arcylic Scribble

Acrylic painting on paper, not a serious art, rather practising in spare time.